
Wedding Invitations are More Than an Invite

Foil hibiscus reply card

First impressions can be everything, and your wedding invitations are no different!

custom wedding letterpress invitation and calligraphy
Atlanta Wedding Invitation Suite

I was sitting in a coffee shop with the mom of a potential client to talk wedding invitations: “It’s just going to end up in the trash.” Insert my heart being stabbed with the coffee stirrer. It’s true. 99.9% of the time your invitations will end up in the trash. Instead of thinking about your wedding invitation’s end result, think about the first reaction!

Do I want to go?

Imagine you receive a wedding invitation in the mail. The thin paper looks like it was printed at your local copy shop. The fonts are mismatched between the invitation and reply card. The graphics are less than desirable. How excited would you be to get your RSVP back in the mail? Me, not so much.

When guests receive a wedding invitation, they are excited. They are excited it’s a real piece of mail and not junk. They are excited because they knew they should be expecting a wedding invitation from you. Keep that excitement high as they open the envelope and dig in to your details!

I like to think of opening a beautiful suite is like opening up a gift. Layers to dig into and details to explore. Pops of dimension point me to continue on!

Is my wedding invitation setting the right tone?

From colors to texture to design, a wedding invitation sends a message to your guests. Beyond the basics, such as event time, date and location, an invitation gives the message that your wedding is rustic, elegant, wild, traditional and so much more. It’s a reflection of you and your partner on paper.

When I sit down to design for couples, I ask questions about colors, florals and the overall vibe of the wedding day. It’s easy to get distracted by all the options you come across on Pinterest. From print techniques to embellishments, I design your wedding invitations with your end event in mind. Working with me, I won’t let you stray from that vision to keep your event consistent from beginning to end.

Atlanta Letterpress Wedding Invitation Suite Flat Lay
Atlanta Letterpress Wedding Invitation Suite

What about the cost?

Whether stationery is your priority or not, your wedding invitations make your event a priority to your guests. You will have worked so hard planning your wedding day, from florals to the dress to the cake. Round out your event by including that detailed planning to your wedding invitations.

While you can definitely add high value print techniques like letterpress and foil to add to your wedding invitation’s texture and touch, you can also make simple adjustments to your suite to scale up your suite. Colored envelopes, simple die cuts and custom watercolors can be upscale touches without the upscale price tag.

Where should I start with my wedding invitations?

Hiring a wedding stationer takes work off your plate, opens you up to new ideas you might have not thought of and creates a cohesive print vision for your wedding invitations and other print materials.

Receive a no-pressure brochure with design and pricing options by submitting a quick inquiry form. And seriously, there’s no pressure. I can guarantee to every one inquiry (unless you have questions), you’ll only receive two emails from me. Pushy salesmen aren’t my thing, and I am sure they aren’t yours either.

Happy planning!

Photography by:

Kathy Beaver Photography

Tracy Waldrop Photography